Thursday, August 30, 2012

Is Algebra Necessary?

Again, like many other blogs and journals I have kept, I have been drifting away from expression. School is about to start, so today, I'm going to be talking about my opinion on this article. In a nutshell, author Andrew Hacker talks about if math (especially algebra) are necessary. He includes the numbers of students dropping out and tells us how very complex math is not always useful. He also proposes an alternative solution to the problem. It is “citizen statistics.”  It teaches the math can be put to use in to the real world. My description is a very small summary so I suggest you read "Is Algebra Necessary?".

I agree with Mr. Hacker that Algebra or other math courses learned from high school to college may be a large contributing factor to students not being able to complete high school or college. I think that "citizen statistics" and basic math is a good idea and should be started in Kindergarten, right when a 5-year child starts school. I think in sometime at the end of middle school, a test should be given that accurately gives teachers an idea of the student's career path. To lead up to this test, career days and other activities should be highlighted in elementary school.

The test should be a combination of essay, multiple choice, and fill in the blank questions. It should also be noted that there are no wrong answers. The purpose of the test should be to give all involved parties (teachers, parents, and the students themselves) an accurate idea of the field the child wants to focus on. Then, the teachers should use the test results to put students with similar career paths in a math class together. Students interested in a medical career (pharmaceutical researcher, doctor, etc.), for example, should be taught the kind of math that will help them in their jobs.

I think this will give students a strong focus on their career (entrée), along with a side math to help them, therefore making their futures brighter. I have a task for you - read the essay and tell me: Is Algebra Necessary?

1 comment:

  1. According to me it is necessary to math students Algebra is telling us how to do any problem that looks like that. That is one reason why we use letters.algebra expressions
